You’re reading this article because you found the title “The Happy Secret To Better Work” too irresistible and engaging to miss out on.
And by the way, every person today wants to be better at work to achieve more growth.
Perfectly fine. We should always seek excellence.
Let me ask you a vital question.
Are you happy at work because you’re more productive, or are you more productive because you’re happy?
Read that again, carefully.
If you are happy because you’re doing well at work then it means your work performance defines your mood. Right?
And if you’re carrying a smiling face and buoyant spirit to work, it not only uplifts you but others around you as well to deliver quality output.
A new Ipsos survey finds that across the world, people most look to their health and well-being, their family, and having a sense of purpose as what gives them “the greatest happiness.”
See, “job performance” does not figure in the list of factors that define their happiness!
Personally speaking, I have always believed in entering the workplace with a positive, cheerful attitude because it makes me enjoy my job role, which further improves my quality and productivity of work.
As humans, our brains are wired to experience joy and happiness only when things go our way. And I’m talking about various aspects of life. Be it in a school, home, relationships, or workspace.
Remember how you jumped for joy when you saw your name on the high school toppers list?
Or when you gave a lunch treat to your colleagues upon being promoted to a higher position.
Yes. Nothing wrong with it. You get good news, you feel on cloud nine. That’s human nature.
Now, here’s where we need to reverse our traditional outlook toward happiness, especially in the workplace.
In this article, I will underline the importance of reversing your current approach to happiness by implementing some high-value tips that will help you become a more successful and happier person in all aspects of your life, including your professional sphere.
Here we go!
Read: What to Do When You Hate Your Job
Understanding happiness advantage

What is the “happiness advantage”?
Nothing complex about it. Let’s keep things simple.
We are influenced by successful people around us and we measure their happiness by their job positions, pay scales, annual revenue, social status, etc.
And we assume that we have to be achievers to live a happy, fulfilling life.
Shawn Achor, an American author, and positive psychology researcher, using case studies from his work with several Fortune 500 executives in more than 50 countries, explains a backward formula i.e. happiness fuels success, not the other way around.
So, the happiness advantage is a positive mental state that leads you to perform better as compared to a negative mental state. Your creativity, productivity, and intelligence rise when your brain is in a positive state.
What is the importance of being happy at work?

You’ll often get advice on how to improve your work performance, but you’ll not hear as much about the importance of staying happy in the workplace.
Your overall well-being takes the front seat as compared to the number of meetings you attend in a day. Indeed, workplace happiness does not only contribute to producing better quality work but also leads to a better level of self-satisfaction and accomplishment in us.
Employee happiness has become a necessity as an increasing number of organizations prefer to recruit people who are happier at work and can motivate others around them.
When you’re happy at work, you’re likely to leave the office space in a cheerful mood. You won’t bring a negative state of mind home, nor will professional responsibilities overwhelm you.
All this adds up to a better work-life balance and personal life.
Read: How to Deal With Work Stress and Anxiety
8 Best activities to help you be more optimistic and successful
Your version of happiness might be different than my version. However, I firmly believe that we don’t have to go out of the way to live a happier, satisfied life. It is well within our reach, and we just need to make “small changes” to our daily lifestyle to achieve “big” results.
1. Be grateful for what you have

A two-part study found that practicing gratitude can have a significant impact on feelings of hope and happiness.
You might have a long list of things to complain about. Not getting a promotion, low salary rise, conflicts with colleagues, troubled personal life, and so on. Now, amid this, I want you to sit back, relax, and note down things that you are grateful for.
When you wake up in the morning, consider things that you feel you are lucky to have. It can be your job, your family, knowing you are loved by someone, your house, your good health, and so on.
And do remember to write all the good things in the notepad of your mobile, so you can read it from time to time and realize that life is not that hard on you.
As you start this practice daily, you’ll become more conscious of positive things around you that will keep your spirits high as you face challenging situations in your life.
2. Keep your personal problems personal

Whether small or big, every individual is dealing with some type of problem in their lives and these can consume you, both emotionally and physically. You find it difficult to focus on your work and there’s a likelihood of delivering poor quality of work, low productivity, and conflicts with colleagues at the workplace.
You’ve got to take charge of the situation and not let your personal issues affect your quality of work. The happy secret to better work lies in the fact that you leave your personal problems at home while going to work.
Remember why taking your work home is not suggested? Similarly, it’s important to deal with your personal problems when you’re away from your workspace. It will help you focus better and be more productive at work.
Read: Feeling exhausted? 10 Ways to Beat Decision Fatigue at Work
3. Find a work best friend

Do you have a best friend at work? If not, have one. Seriously.
Do you know why I am stressing on this point? Because 57% of people with best friends at work find their job more enjoyable while registering a significant creativity and productivity boost.
Working in silos does not help your cause as there’s job-related stress and unexpected events that are not in your control. Sharing your inner thoughts with your best friend at work not only relieves stress but also makes you happier and more engaged.
Positive results show in the form of high-quality work, a greater sense of well-being, and lower stress levels.
4. Help others in any way you can

We want things to go our way to feel happy, but why not try to help others and help them experience positivity and happiness? We humans have gotten used to the idea of receiving so much that we undermine the importance of giving back to people around us.
No. You don’t have to do something heroic or huge to make a positive impact on your colleagues.
Even a single act of kindness in a day can boost your happiness at work. Think about appreciating your colleague’s work or helping them out when they’re stuck at work. Why not put an arm around your colleague’s shoulder who appears low and disengaged while giving an ear to their problems?
Even an act as simple as opening an office door for your colleague can promote self-satisfaction in you, which in turn, will inspire you to help your coworkers at any given opportunity.
5. Don’t compare yourself to others

“Other people’s lives seem better than yours because you’re comparing their director’s cuts with your behind-the-scenes.”
It’s a human tendency to compare ourselves with others. How so many of us yearn to have a life of seemingly happier and successful people around us. And that’s what stops us from truly enjoying ourselves at work.
Remember, the circumstances of no two people are the same. There will always be people who will be earning more than you, and there are people who wish they were in your place. So, this is a never-ending race where there’s no winner.
Only focus on improving yourself at work and compare your current performance with past performance. This will give you a clear picture of whether you are growing or have been stuck in the same spot for a while now.
Achieving true satisfaction is tough when you’re trying to mirror others every time.
6. Say NO to Multitasking

So, do you think that you can be more productive and successful at work if you can juggle multiple tasks simultaneously?
Wrong. Think again. Only 2.5% of people are able to multitask effectively. For the rest of us, we might be switching tasks constantly but it only hampers our productivity as well as the quality of work.
Neuropsychologist Cynthia Kubu says, “The more we multitask, the less we actually accomplish because we slowly lose our ability to focus enough to learn.”
Focus singularly on one task at a time, which will help you deliver quality work with minimal errors and less effort as compared to juggling multiple tasks and producing below-par work.
7. Exercise regularly

If you are in good shape, both physically and mentally, it shows in the way you interact with people in the workspace. You feel good within and radiate that positive energy onto others too.
And exercising is not just about keeping your body fit and fine, regular workouts can alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting happiness and self-esteem. In times when many people at work are suffering from moderate to high stress due to various reasons, it’s important to keep both mind and body strong and healthy.
Even a small amount of regular physical activity can make a difference. For instance, cycling, jogging, taking a walk, stretching, etc. You can also indulge in your favorite sports such as badminton, soccer, baseball, etc.
8. Eat healthy

Exercising alone does not enhance your overall health; what you eat during the day also plays a vital role. In fact, both go hand-in-hand. When you make healthy and nutritious eating choices at work, it can improve your performance and productivity at work. Also, there’s a noticeable improvement in concentration, focus, and memory.
Now, many people are confused about which diet to follow, as everyone has different views on what “healthy” food choices are. For instance, 71% of Americans think that granola bars are healthy, but only 28% of nutritionists consider them as healthy.
The best bet would be to research the nutritional value of different foods and their impact on your energy levels. For example, foods like brown rice, apples, bananas, and eggs can provide a sustained source of energy.
You may choose your preferred diet, but most diet and nutrition experts recommend eliminating “white carbs” – white, refined grains & sugars, including those in sugary drinks like soda.
What factors influence your well-being at work?
You might enter your workplace in high spirits and plan to start your day on a high note, the truth is not everything is under your control.
However, if there’s one thing that’s under your control, that is your attitude and how you react to happenings and people around you.
Given below are the five most important factors that influence your well-being and happiness at work.
1. Relationship with coworkers
Your workplace is not just limited to delivering assignments. It is also about your relationships with coworkers who can help you out both professionally and personally. You can also become their source of joy and inspiration by offering help and guidance as and when required.
2. Opportunities to put your skills to good use
What good are your skills if you cannot put them to good use? You’ve just joined a new organization and are eager to apply the skills and knowledge you’ve learned over the years.
If your job doesn’t allow you to do that, it can adversely affect your morale and self-confidence. Implementing your skills makes you feel confident and competent. You might feel your talent is laid to waste when you don’t get opportunities at the workplace.
Consider looking for a new role if your current job does not realize your true potential.
3. Your independence level
Micromanagement in the workplace can curb your independence, which can hamper your growth and productivity level. It shows that your managers don’t trust you. When your every move is constantly evaluated, it stops you from enjoying your work.
Therefore, ask for opportunities at work that grant you autonomy. Your manager must display faith and trust in your abilities, and if that’s not the case, you should look for fresh opportunities that offer you more freedom and control over your work.
4. The company culture
Having a positive company culture is important as it makes you feel welcome and happy at work. It is not something that you can change quickly, and if the prevailing atmosphere is negative and arouses fear, it’s hard to find a source of happiness.
If your company does not emphasize company culture, it could mean that it doesn’t put much importance to employee well-being and growth.
5. Your ability to find meaning in work
Employees who find meaning in their work are 69% less likely to quit their jobs within six months. Your work should give you a sense of purpose and direction in life. Employee engagement keeps people motivated and focused on their goals.
Failing to see meaning in the work you do makes you feel like a robot performing repetitive work day in and day out.
Moving forward
Everyone deserves to be happy at work. Your workplace is the second place after your home where you spend most of your day’s time. In some cases, people end up spending more time in the office than at home.
Don’t be happy at work just to be more productive. Rather, you should embrace an optimistic and cheerful attitude as an essential part of your daily life, which will enhance your overall quality of life.
By implementing the tips mentioned in the article, you’ll find more ways to be happier while eliminating negativity and pessimistic behavior from your life. Your positive vibes will reflect on the people around you, which will eventually benefit everyone – you, your team members, and the organization.
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