“Being a Project Manager is like being an artist, you have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art” ~ Greg Cimmarrusti
Are you getting bored of being a project manager?
Are you fed up with the position which you once aspired to achieve?
You are not alone! There are many Project managers like you in different capacities who are going through the exactly same emotion.
Fear not!
Being in a position where you need to be able to work under immense pressure, handle a team, deal with the management, and deliver the project on time. Also ensuring client satisfaction is also a major requirement. This makes the position of Project Manager intimidating.
While some people thrive under such pressure and perform very well, there are some who may face a lot of challenges.
Continue reading to see tips to overcome the pressures in this job and find that old spark.
The number game
As per a survey by RGPM, 60% of people in this designation are not contemplating quitting this designation.
The remaining 40% of employees are feeling bored. They are planning on quitting or just trying to improve their work-life balance. So if you are one of them, we have some tips and tricks that will help you improve your productivity.
About 15% of highly experienced project managers are seriously considering quitting this position. 25% of them have thought about quitting at least once.
There are various reasons behind the number of people who want to quit. While some sight personal reasons, others are just bored of the repetitive tasks they have to do every day.
But do you really think that quitting this position will solve all your problems?
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Vince Lombardi.
The quote may sound very harsh, but you are a project manager because you deserve this designation. So, instead of getting bored, work on things that will improve your current situation.
Pick up a new hobby, identify where you are losing out, or just focus on a new challenge.
Another survey by the Harvard business review came out with more precise findings.
- 37% of project managers have thought about quitting their project management role
- 41% are seriously considering quitting their managerial position and starting a new career
- 26% are looking for ways to better the situation in the work and continue working as a Project Manager
Learn more about product managers: Being a Project Manager In 2022: The Best and Worst of It
Why do fresh managers start getting bored?
Is there a mistake in the work process?
Or is it their personal inability to handle the pressure?
Moving forward, we will analyze and discuss both the reasons that lead to this awkward boring situation as well as ways to overcome them.
Factors that make PM position boring
Every coin has 2 sides. It is all about the perception that makes the job boring or interesting. Let us first see the factors that make the job boring. The primary reason for getting this boring feeling happens when the task gets repetitive or you start losing interest.
A quick Google search for the synonyms of boring brings up words like – repetitive, monotonous, dull, unvaried, uninspiring, passionless, and many more. These are the same words that are individual reasons for making this coveted designation “boring”.
Let us break into the details of the major factors responsible for bringing about this feeling.

👉 Work/life balance
Gen Z calls this Work/life integration. The stress levels and targets at work are too high. Spending extra hours at the office or carrying out work tasks at home results in such additional stress. Failure to devote proper time to family and other activities results in the build-up of stress. Overall, this ends up affecting your work process.
👉 Poor communication
There is always a communication gap between the management and the employees. Managers act as the bridge between the management and the employees. But there is generally a cold war in this zone. This leads to a failure in regular communication.
This affects the overall performance of both the team as well as the manager. Communication also affects the feedback process. Little or no communication makes the role of project manager boring and without any intent.
👉 Lack of recognition
People crave attention. When your work is not properly appreciated you get the feeling of not working hard. Your next projects do not meet the expectations of the previous ones. The performance keeps falling.
Appreciating achievements should be as loud as giving harsh feedback. This helps in bringing out the best performance. Just like team members expect individual achievements, managers should also be recognized for their achievements.
👉 Inability to take independent decisions
Project managers to aspire to take decisions independently. Some managers even want to involve their team in the decision-making process. But in certain places, this is not possible. It so happens that the managers are bound to do things that are passed on from the management.
There are null to very few options for taking decisions on their own. Most of the tasks come in the form of rigid assignments. The project manager does not have the ability to put in their personal input.
👉 Limited growth in career
The insecure feeling of limited career growth is haunting. And especially when you have big ambitions, you start getting questions about your future plans and dreams.
A big issue that a lot of project managers face is their inability to focus on personal improvement. Be it completing a certificate course or their hobby that is left out. This gives the feeling of not being able to focus on personal improvement. This slowly impacts their work cycle and they start wondering about other immediate changes.
👉 Loss of interest
This happens because the manager is not able to take decisions. The project manager is simply acting as a bridge between the management and the team members. The work just gets repetitive – assigning tasks and regular follow-ups.
Therefore, project managers should always have the ability to take decisions on their own in order to maintain an interest in the project.
Methods to re-ignite the spark – Finding the old passion

This designation is something you really wanted. You worked hard for this role and eventually achieved it. There may have been ‘n’ number of reasons for you to quit, but you are still contemplating your final decision.
Read below to get some ideas of how you can re-ignite that spark. Infusing Fresh Spirit Into Your ‘Dull’ Project Management Role is the need of the hour. Remember the days when you dreamed about the luxury of this lifestyle? So let’s try to get this sorted.
➡️ Avoid over-planning
Very few things go according to the existing plan. Even mighty empires have fallen ever after planning. There are daily examples of big businesses making wrong decisions.
What is more important is how to plan things at the moment. Strategic and out-of-the-box thinking is a necessary skill. Excessive planning can easily ruin your day even if there is a small disturbance in the plan. It is, therefore, best to have time available for small unplanned activities throughout the day.
➡️ Reanalyze the requirements
This does not only apply to the way you work on projects. Start implementing the work process right from the start of the project.
For instance, if the client wants to see the weekly task summary on Friday, then make sure you have a follow-up with the team on Thursdays only. This way there will not be any scope for micromanaging as well as at the same time, you will be one step ahead of the actual deadline of Friday.
➡️ Researching or exploring new things
Never reach a point where you stop learning. No matter what designation you are in or your experience, there is always something that is new. Keep an urge to continuously search and learn new things.
This will not only keep you occupied but also provide you with an opportunity to relax and change your mindset. Improve your skills in dealing with clients, and building a team. This will not only help you in day-to-day activities but also help you in the long run.
➡️ Hold your ground
The most important aspect of maintaining your stress level is having the courage to say NO. The tendency to say YES to everything is a ‘people-pleasing’ attribute. You will end up in a mess if you just want to please the people around you.
Remember saying No does not hurt anyone. It only gives you better control over the things you do. For a simple instance of a meeting invite, think if it is really important for you to attend the meeting. We all know how pointless meetings waste productive time.
➡️ Spend more time with family
“Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected.” – Boyd K. Packer
There is nothing better than teaching something to your children, and learning new things from your children. Encouraging and supporting your spouse in their hobby is an important part of your personal life.
Apart from spouse and children, spending time with parents, and friends also help in relieving your stress. A company of good people helps in managing your life goals in a better way.
➡️ Communicate effectively
Have regular conversations with your boss and the management. Openly declare any issue which you think may impact the performance of the team. Express freely if you want a change in the work process.
Most companies do offer the flexibility to change. This may help you in sorting out things and finding that spark. After all, lack of regular communication is the prime reason behind getting bored at work.
Collaborate, delegate, and share the workload with your team members effectively. Involve your team members in the decision-making process. Be open and frank when it comes to interactions with your team members. This will help in building trust. This will also help everyone to be aware of the complete workflow process.
➡️ Reflect regularly
It is very important to reflect on the tasks you have completed on that particular day. This will help you to understand how productive the day was. Regular analysis of your performance will help you get an idea of the areas where you have to improve.
Instead of just completing one task after the other, take some time to soak the feeling of accomplishment. This will give you some time for understanding things that you can improve in the next task. Regular and daily reflection will help you in planning things for the next day in a better way.
➡️ Take breaks and recharge
It’s important to take time to recharge and take care of yourself. Schedule breaks and prioritize self-care to help avoid burnout and stay motivated.
“I have recently gotten into meditation and have learned to turn the computer off at least an hour before bedtime.” – Monica Borell.
A good peaceful sleep at night is important for maintaining your health. Even during work hours, take small breaks in between. Listen to songs, or go for a small walk. This will help you in maintaining a better concentration level and performing tasks efficiently.
➡️ Seek out new challenges
Look for opportunities to take on projects that stretch your skills and push you out of your comfort zone. This can help you stay motivated and engaged in your work.
As per a survey by Upskiiled, there are 4 ways in which new challenges influence our behavior:
- Networking with new people
- Promoting career growth
- Taking up new tasks and responsibilities
- Opportunities for continuous learning.
➡️ Embrace change
Being flexible and open to new ideas can help you stay engaged and interested in your work. Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or adapt your plans as needed.
“Change is the only constant in life.”- Heraclitus
This is one famous saying that everyone must have heard. If you do not adapt to changes, then you get outdated. This will bring in the feeling of being obsolete. The quicker you accept changes, the better it is for your professional growth.
Be true to yourself
There is no better person to understand you than YOU. Therefore, if you are getting bored of being a project manager, just reflect. Think about your life ambition, why it all started, and where you are heading. The above article will help you to assess your current situation and provide solutions to a number of confusions.
Whether you aspired to be a project manager, or you got this role accidentally, be true to yourself. Ask yourself these questions –
- Are you happy with the growth of your career?
- Is this what you dreamed of when you were young?
- Are you working for a positive work environment or for fulfilling basic necessities?
When you have answers to these questions, that would be the best way to introspect.
There can be situations when you are really ‘done’ with the job. In such a situation, it is advisable to move on and look for other alternate options.
Life is Short.
However, if you are just trying to change your designation with a blind hope that things will change, then it is foolishness. Also, it is possible that in such a situation, you end up in an even worse situation than the current one.
Concluding thoughts
“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.” ~ Denis Waitley
It is a great feeling if everything goes according to plan, but then some things are beyond our control. There is no point in ruining a productive day over a thing that is not in our control.
After all, a good project manager has the ability to take immediate decisions and think out of the box. Project managers also have a huge responsibility of directly leading the business towards profit and positive growth.
So, the next time you feel like getting bored over your managerial job, do a quick self-introspection and implement changes immediately. Do not waste time contemplating or postponing the decision-making process.
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