
  1. Worklife
Do you regularly feel stressed out at the workplace? Maybe the boss asked you to conduct an interview, a team meeting, and share project updates all at once. Making multiple decisions throughout the day often leaves you mentally and emotionally vulnerable to making bad decisions. The result? You start experiencing what is known as decision […]
  1. Interviews
  2. Management
  3. Manager
  4. Worklife
“More than 40% of companies are planning to hire product managers in 2022” – Career Karma Impressive salaries, the authority to make crucial business decisions, and a respectable job – this is what comes to the minds of many when they hear the term “product manager”. However, the reality is completely different from what anyone […]
  1. Worklife
  2. Leadership
  3. Management
  4. Manager
Quiet quitting is another term that is on the rise these days. Most people associate it with someone resigning from his or her current position. But, actually, it is a kind of resistance against the busy work culture of going one step further than what the job demands.  The COVID-19 pandemic did not affect only […]
  1. Work Stress
  2. Leadership
  3. Manager
  4. Worklife
Do you think you didn’t earn the promotion? Or that when you got the new job, you tricked everyone? Or perhaps you lack the intelligence to complete your work well? You are not alone! Millions of individuals across a wide range of ages, professions, and demographics experience this kind of self-doubt, often known as imposter […]
  1. Worklife
  2. Inspiration
  3. Leadership
  4. Manager
“A fully trained product manager can help increase an organization’s profit by 34%” Impressive, isn’t it? However, do you know what it takes for a great product manager to help a business grow? Short answer – A LOT! The guide below will provide in-depth information about what a product manager does to envision and develop […]
  1. Worklife
  2. Management
Remote work and remote project management – these two terms have become progressively popular around the world over the past few years and with the coronavirus changing the ways of working around the world, several organizations have switched to working remotely.  Remote work has innumerable upsides both for the organizations and individuals. It gives employees […]
  1. Worklife
It was not that remote work did not exist before the global pandemic of COVID-19 arrived on the scene, but it was not practiced at such a wide scale as now.  It was only during the “lockdown” that businesses had no other alternative but to ask their employees to work from home.   The transition to […]
