1. Leadership

7 Leadership podcasts you can’t miss in 2024


Being a leader is all about growth and continuous learning!

But let’s face it- who has the time to sift through endless leadership books or attend lengthy seminars?

That’s where leadership podcasts come in.

Leadership podcasts are audio lessons from successful leaders and experts, offering tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you become a better leader yourself. These handy audio shows fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, whether you’re stuck in traffic or tackling household chores.

The only question is: with so many great leadership podcasts available, where should you start?

In this article, I have curated a list of seven best leadership podcasts to help you enhance your skills and knowledge.

7 Top leadership podcasts you should listen in 2024

The best part about podcasts is that they’re always available. You can learn to become a better leader on your schedule.

The next time you have 20 minutes – commuting from work or taking an evening stroll – you can open an app like Spotify or Apple Podcasts and start listening.

Here are seven top leadership podcasts to get you started.

Podcast #1: The EntreLeadership Podcast

The EntreLeadership Podcast is hosted by Dave Ramsey, a well-known businessman and finance expert. This podcast offers practical advice on everything you need to know to take your business to the next level.

Leadership specialist Ken Coleman joins Dave. Together, they talk about real-life challenges that business owners deal with every day. They cover topics like building a strong and reliable team, making tough financial decisions, and creating a company culture that thrives.

This podcast is perfect for busy entrepreneurs who want to improve their leadership skills, make smarter business decisions, and, ultimately, see their businesses flourish.

Must-listen episodes

  • Atomic Habits with James Clear
  • Brian Buffini – The Emigrant Edge
  • Game-Changing Leadership Advice from Patrick Lencioni

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube

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Podcast #2: HBR IdeaCast

You must have heard of Harvard Business Review. It’s pretty much a leader in the business world, and its podcast, HBR IdeaCast, is no different. 

Instead of a single host, IdeaCast features interviews with leading business thinkers and authors in each episode. This means you get a fresh perspective and a wide range of leadership ideas in every bite-sized show.

HBR IdeaCast is best for leaders who want to stay on top of the latest trends and research in business and management. It’s also perfect for anyone who enjoys hearing from experts and getting a well-rounded view of leadership challenges and solutions.

Must-listen episodes

  • What the Best Leaders Know – and What Skills They Develop
  • Behaviors of Successful CEOs
  • Escape Your Comfort Zone

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify

Podcast #3: The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

If you’re looking for a leadership podcast focusing on personal growth, then The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast is your perfect match. It is hosted by Andy Stanley, a bestselling author and pastor known for his engaging communication style. This podcast is all about the idea that becoming a better leader starts with becoming a better you.

Andy shares practical wisdom and insights on a variety of topics. All are geared toward helping you develop the skills and mindset necessary to lead more effectively. He talks about overcoming challenges, building strong relationships, and staying motivated – all valuable assets for any leader.

This podcast is ideal for leaders who want to focus on their own growth and become a more inspiring and effective leader for their teams.

Must-listen episodes

  • The Importance of Trust in Leadership
  • REVERB 9: Being a Trustworthy Leader
  • When Less is More – From the Vault

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube

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Podcast #4: Coaching for Leaders

Coaching for Leaders is hosted by Dave Stachowiak, a seasoned executive coach. This podcast covers a wide range of topics, such as management, psychology, government, and the list goes on. It is ideal for anyone in a leadership role or aspiring to lead.

Each episode features conversations with thought leaders specializing in various areas. Each interviewee offers intriguing stories and thoughtful insights to the listeners.

You can explore topics such as emotional safety in the workplace, negotiation skills, and self-awareness. It is a valuable resource if you are looking to enhance your leadership skills.

Must-listen episodes

  • Episode 433: How to Start Managing Up, with Tom Henschel
  • Episode 358: How to Lead Meetings That Get Results, with Mamie Kanfer Stewart
  • Episode 385: The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership, with Jason Brooks

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify

Podcast #5: Dare to Lead

This podcast features Brene Brown, a professor and author, who talks with leaders she calls “change catalysts,” “culture-shifters,” and “troublemakers.”

The Dare to Lead podcast is all about coming up with new ideas and nurturing creativity. It shares life lessons on change-making, attentiveness, and the importance of inclusion to create a real sense of belonging.

This podcast is best for people who fearlessly take on leadership roles with an open mind and are willing to be vulnerable.

Must-listen episodes

  • Brené with Adam Grant and Simon Sinek on What’s Happening at Work
  • Brené with Mike Erwin on Leadership Is a Relationship
  • Brené with Dr. Linda Hill on Leading With Purpose in the Digital Age

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podchaser, and Amazon Music

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Podcast #6: The Learning Leader Show

The Learning Leader Show features Ryan Hawk, an author and advisor. This podcast is based on the belief that “the best leaders never stop working to make themselves better.”

On the show, Ryan has meaningful conversations with guests such as CEOs, professional athletes, best-selling authors, and entrepreneurs. The podcast covers topics related to leadership, personal development, and success.

If you’re committed to continuous self-improvement and interested in learning from the experiences and insights of accomplished leaders, this podcast is for you.

Must-listen episodes

  • Episode 234: Jocko Willink – Why Discipline Equals Freedom
  • Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why
  • Episode 359: Pat Lencioni – Three Actions For Leaders In Challenging Times

Available here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube

Podcast #7: Jocko Podcast

The Jocko Podcast is hosted by Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer, author, and co-founder. Alongside producer Echo Charles, Jocko explores discipline and leadership in various contexts, such as business, war, and daily life.

The podcast features guests from diverse backgrounds, such as the military and the arts, who share their personal and professional insights from high-stakes and everyday situations.

This podcast is for you if you want to learn about discipline, leadership, and personal development from real-life experiences.

Must-listen episodes

  • Jocko Podcast 89: Vietnam Medal Of Honor. Take Care Of Your Team w/ Mike Thornton
  • Jocko Podcast 138: The Dichotomy of Leadership w/ Leif Babin
  • Jocko Podcast 226: The Code. The Evaluation. The Protocols. THE PATH w/ Dave Berke

Available here: Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podchaser, YouTube, and Spotify

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In a nutshell, continuous learning is essential to becoming an effective and successful leader. You need to stay updated with the latest leadership trends.

The above leadership podcasts will give you a start. They offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration you can access anytime, anywhere. Whether you want to improve your communication skills, navigate through crises, or create a more innovative culture, these podcasts have got you covered.

So, grab your headphones, choose a podcast, and start listening today. Your future self – and your team – will thank you for it.

For more such useful information, keep reading-


What are the benefits of listening to leadership podcasts?

Listening to leadership podcasts has several benefits. You get access to expert advice, diverse perspectives, actionable strategies, and continuous learning opportunities that can enhance your leadership skills and knowledge.

How often should I listen to leadership podcasts to see improvement?

You should stay consistent and listen to at least one episode per week. Incorporate the insights and strategies into your daily routine and reflect on how to apply them to your leadership practices.

How can I choose the right leadership podcast for me?

When choosing a leadership podcast, consider your leadership goals, the host’s expertise, the topics covered, and listener reviews. Try a few episodes first to find the ones that resonate with you and provide valuable insights relevant to your leadership journey.

How do I stay updated with new episodes of the podcasts?

You can subscribe to your favorite podcasts on your preferred platform. This way, you’ll receive notifications when new episodes are released. You can also follow the podcasts on social media for updates and additional content.

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