Write for us

We are delighted to see your deep interest in becoming a contributory author to our website that promises to offer well-researched, original, and engaging content to our savvy readers. 

We firmly believe that most unique and awe-inspiring ideas can come from the least expected sources. That’s why we invite zealous professionals from all over the world, working across various industries, to share their original thoughts, opinions, and voice with our readers.

Not only do you get an opportunity to showcase your expertise on particular topics but also get  exposure via our social media channels. 

Now, let’s talk about things that really matter for you (and us) to be able to be a part of a growing, thriving community of learned writers. 

We are expecting you to take your time and carefully go through our submission guidelines because guest posts not complying to our guidelines would be rejected straightaway. And it’s likely that you’re too good a writer/expert to be discarded because of small ignorance on your part. 

Important: We are quite peculiar about our content and our approval process can take some time. That’s why, please be patient and expect us to respond to you within 14 days of receiving your write up. 

What We Expect

To increase your chances of getting featured on Manager Talks, make sure your guest post adheres to the following guidelines

  • Your content should be grammatically immaculate, actionable, organized, and accurate.
  • Your articles should be of minimum 2500 words.
  • Write in a natural, conversational tone. Add humor to content. We’re not writing for robots but humans. 
  • Your submitted post should be 100% original, unique, and unpublished. Should not be low-quality, plagiarized or rephrased.
  • It should not cite our competitors, and use any irrelevant promotional links to websites.
  • Keep intro short  (150 words) and engaging.
  • Avoid unnecessary filler words, and stay away from buzzwords and jargon.
  • Send your topic ideas for approval first. After that, you can start writing for us
  • Your submitted post should be written in an active voice.
  • It should catch and maintain the reader’s attention from the onset till the conclusion.
  • If you’re going to add stats, link back to the original source.
  • Paragraphs should be no more than 3 to 5 sentences long.
  • It should not contain irrelevant images or copyright images owned by someone else.
  • It should have subheadings, images (with source), graphs, charts, illustrations, quotes, bullet points, which make the article more readable and visually appealing.   

What We Won’t Publish

  • A difficult-to-read article (with too many errors).
  • Submissions that provide no value to our readers.
  • topics that have lately been covered.
  • blatantly self-promotional posts
  • Content making claims without providing evidence.
  • Guest contributions submitted shouldn’t be published elsewhere: Any publication, including Medium, LinkedIn, or your blog.

Topics We Cover

We cover all essential aspects of work life such as: 

  • Worklife
  • Management 
  • Leadership
  • Marketing 
  • Technology
  • Work stress
  • Reviews
  • Inspiration

Our tone: Our blog is informative and authoritative but simple and fun to read. In other words, keep things simple, engaging, and relevant in your content piece. 

Our audience: Business owners, C-suite executives, managers, marketers, and professionals who are always on the lookout for more information to progress ahead in their career. 

Our posts: We publish a wide range of post types, including but not limited to: 

  • Evergreen and Trending posts
  • Lists of tips, tools, or compelling strategies
  • Creative ideas and real-life examples
  • Vertical-specific advice 
  • Industry trends, data, insights 

Our Review Process: 

  • Once we receive your submission, we take 3-7 business days to review it.
  • If your guest post meets our submission criteria and aligns with our content. strategy, we will respond within 14 days to let you know that it will be published
  • The ManagerTalks blogging team maintains the right to change and modify the content of your guest blog as we see fit and to later update it for accuracy and consistency.
  • In addition to email newsletters, ebooks, and other digital information, ManagerTalk maintains the right to insert call-to-actions to ManagerTalk content.
  • If we need anything on your end— a better quality image, a change to a section, or further elaboration on something, we’ll let you know.
  • Once your blog post has been published on our site, you are not permitted to use it anywhere, including on your own blog.
  • In case your submission is rejected, you are free to use it anyway you want to.

If you do not get a response until 14 business days, you can use your article elsewhere. Please do not send follow up mails; they won’t help. 

How to Improve Your Chances of Publication?

  • Post by the deadline or earlier.
  • Before submitting, proofread and run Grammarly over your content.
  • Use appropriate heading and title formatting.
  • Be willing to accept and enhance the changes proposed following the review.
  • Five links at most may be included in your post (including ours).
  • Send your content in a Google Doc 
  • Adhere to the guidelines. Always.

Author Bio: Tell Our Readers About Yourself

  • Your Full Name
  • 200*200 pixels of your image (JPG or PNG format)/your headshot basically.
  • A brief explanation (around 220 characters).
  • Your Links to Social Handles.
  • You’re allowed only one link (do-follow) to your company’s website, in the author’s bio; no links to your website in the article body

What are you waiting for, then? Write the best blog post you’ve ever written. Send it to us!
