Work Stress What is Rage Applying? Don’t Let This Trend Be A New Headache at Your Workplace! Have you heard of “rage applying,” the newest office trend? This new trend in the job market refers to job seekers who apply for any jobs out of frustration or desperation. First came The Great Resignation in 2021, then Quite Quitting in 2022, and now Rage Applying in 2023. Seems, it is becoming harder for […] Written by Irish Verma June 28, 2023June 28, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Worklife 11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Manager Imagine you are a hardworking employee, you put in hard work and extra effort to complete all work with utmost perfection. You are famous among your team. And boom! You get a promotion. A managerial position! Will you celebrate this achievement? Will you start learning the skills to be a “good manager”? Or will you […] Written by Aaron Jebin June 15, 2023September 6, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Worklife Revealed! The Happy Secret to Better Work in 2023 You’re reading this article because you found the title “The Happy Secret To Better Work” too irresistible and engaging to miss out on. And by the way, every person today wants to be better at work to achieve more growth. Perfectly fine. We should always seek excellence. Let me ask you a vital question. Are […] Written by Irish Verma June 13, 2023June 13, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Work Stress How to Deal with Work Stress and Anxiety “More than 50% of workers are not engaged at work as a result of stress, leading to a loss of productivity.” – The stats above show the extent to which stress impacts the modern-day workplace, and what it leads to. Employees who experience too much stress and anxiety at work often cite excessive workload, […] Written by Aaron Jebin March 14, 2023November 29, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Work Stress Toxic Positivity at Work: Signs, Impact & How to Deal with it “It will all be fine. Don’t overreact”. “You should smile more”. “Don’t be so negative”. Such expressions get thrown around a lot in today’s modern workplace, especially after many employees developed an optimistic outlook to cope with uncertainty during the pandemic lockdown. Unfortunately, this positivity went a little too far, ended up doing more harm […] Written by Prateek Abhilashi March 2, 2023March 2, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Interviews Management Manager Worklife Guide to Preparing for PM Interview “More than 40% of companies are planning to hire product managers in 2022” – Career Karma Impressive salaries, the authority to make crucial business decisions, and a respectable job – this is what comes to the minds of many when they hear the term “product manager”. However, the reality is completely different from what anyone […] Written by Prateek Abhilashi December 23, 2022December 23, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Manager Interviews Management Project Manager Cover Letter: Things to consider A cover letter allows you to sell yourself to a specific job and show you are a good fit for the company’s position. It enables you to speak on behalf of your resume and experiences since the things you’ve done might not speak for themselves or be an exact fit. It shows the employer why […] Written by Aaron Jebin December 20, 2022November 29, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Worklife Leadership Management Manager What is Quite Quitting? 13 Ways to Prevent it in the Workplace Quiet quitting is another term that is on the rise these days. Most people associate it with someone resigning from his or her current position. But, actually, it is a kind of resistance against the busy work culture of going one step further than what the job demands. The COVID-19 pandemic did not affect only […] Written by Ankita December 15, 2022December 15, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Work Stress Leadership Manager Worklife Top 8 Ways to Fight Imposter Syndrome at Work Do you think you didn’t earn the promotion? Or that when you got the new job, you tricked everyone? Or perhaps you lack the intelligence to complete your work well? You are not alone! Millions of individuals across a wide range of ages, professions, and demographics experience this kind of self-doubt, often known as imposter […] Written by Ankita December 14, 2022December 14, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Worklife Inspiration Leadership Manager A Day In the Life of a Product Manager “A fully trained product manager can help increase an organization’s profit by 34%” Impressive, isn’t it? However, do you know what it takes for a great product manager to help a business grow? Short answer – A LOT! The guide below will provide in-depth information about what a product manager does to envision and develop […] Written by Prateek Abhilashi November 10, 2022November 10, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked