1. Worklife
A diverse team is referred to as the difference of the individuals based on culture, language, ethnicity, age, skills, and overall perspective. Having a diverse team in your office is a positive thing, since it offers you various skill sets, innovation, and creativity. However, leading a diverse team is not an easy job.  Because in […]
  1. Worklife
Do you usually find yourself drained and mentally tired after a lengthy day full of back-to-back meetings? If so, you are not alone. In today’s fast-paced and interconnected work environment, meeting fatigue has emerged as a growing concern for professionals across various industries. According to Stanford, one in seven women – 13.8% – compared with […]
  1. Work Stress
  2. Management
Have you ever experienced those tough job days where, regardless of how difficult you try, you can’t seem to focus? Well, one factor that might be causing this is stress – that unwanted feeling that often troubles us at the workplace. According to ‘The American Institute of Stress,’ a staggering 80% of workers feel stressed […]
  1. Worklife
According to WHO, Poor working conditions, such as discrimination and inequality, heavy workloads, lack of workplace management, and job insecurity, endanger mental health. Do you also feel unsettled or left out in the workplace? Creating a safe space at work is essential to developing a positive and welcoming environment for employees to work in. However, […]
  1. Worklife
A positive workplace culture is the top priority of job seekers and existing employees. And without actively considering your employees, it is hard to create a good workplace culture.  In a recent Glassdoor Survey, 56% of employees say a good workplace culture is more important even than salary, and in a CNN report, 33% of […]
  1. Work Stress
Have you heard of “rage applying,” the newest office trend? This new trend in the job market refers to job seekers who apply for any jobs out of frustration or desperation. First came The Great Resignation in 2021, then Quite Quitting in 2022, and now Rage Applying in 2023. Seems, it is becoming harder for […]
  1. Worklife
A great work-life balance ensures your employees are more productive, focused, and engaged, have good personal mental and physical well-being, and are satisfied with their both personal and professional life. This shows work-life balance has a direct relation to how effectively your employees work. A recent survey of 83% of Fortune 1000 companies also confirmed […]
