1. Worklife
Introduction Did you know only 2 out of 10 employees are happy about how their work performance is managed? Well, it’s not just employees.  Even organizations are catching on that the old-school annual performance reviews don’t really cut it. They’re a headache for both managers and employees – time-consuming, frustrating, and yielding no actual results. […]
  1. Worklife
Organizational culture is not what is written on the walls as posters. It is what is spoken, felt, and done between the walls on the floor. – Amby  From businesses making transit to modern setups to companies hinging on their traditional roots, every business has a different story to tell. And the one thing that […]
  1. Worklife
Self-discipline can be a challenge. To put it another way, sustaining your drive through a work, project, or even a career may indeed feel like dragging oneself out of a bog, like the mythical German legend Baron Munchausen. Every individual have a built-in intolerance to hard work that no caffeine content or motivational pictures can […]
  1. Management
According to a Gallup’s Report, “a staggering 44% of employees suffer from daily workplace stress“. Do you want your team members to be part of this distressing percentage? The mental and physical strain they endure can affect their productivity and health, ultimately impacting the organization. As a manager or leader, you should recognize the importance […]
  1. Worklife
According to a recent study, an overwhelming 85% of employees have faced some form of workplace conflict at some point in their careers. Have you ever faced any conflicts in your workplace? Personally, I have. Conflicts are a common occurrence in a workplace that can have damaging effects on both individuals and the company as […]
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