1. Worklife
A diverse team is referred to as the difference of the individuals based on culture, language, ethnicity, age, skills, and overall perspective. Having a diverse team in your office is a positive thing, since it offers you various skill sets, innovation, and creativity. However, leading a diverse team is not an easy job.  Because in […]
  1. Worklife
A great work-life balance ensures your employees are more productive, focused, and engaged, have good personal mental and physical well-being, and are satisfied with their both personal and professional life. This shows work-life balance has a direct relation to how effectively your employees work. A recent survey of 83% of Fortune 1000 companies also confirmed […]
  1. Management
E-commerce giant Amazon has laid off 27,000 employees this year.  Last year, Netflix laid off approximately 3% of its workforce.  Even though a large number of companies are laying off employees, the process of hiring the right talent goes on simultaneously.  While laying off and hiring employees sound contradictory, there’s nothing more crucial to your […]
  1. Worklife
Do you regularly feel stressed out at the workplace? Maybe the boss asked you to conduct an interview, a team meeting, and share project updates all at once. Making multiple decisions throughout the day often leaves you mentally and emotionally vulnerable to making bad decisions. The result? You start experiencing what is known as decision […]
  1. Manager
During my college days, my perception of project managers across various industries was limited to these rosy benefits – fat salaries, key decision makers, widely respected and recognized, and greater authority.  I used to think that managers have all the powers within the organization; they do less work and pass instructions to subordinates who get […]
  1. Worklife
It was not that remote work did not exist before the global pandemic of COVID-19 arrived on the scene, but it was not practiced at such a wide scale as now.  It was only during the “lockdown” that businesses had no other alternative but to ask their employees to work from home.   The transition to […]
  1. Worklife
Introduction A study from Techopedia shows that 12% of full-time employees start working remotely in March 2024. Also, 40% of job seekers in the USA fully prefer remote work. It states that remote work has a sustainable future.  Remote work offers advantages, but it also presents challenges for managers.  The biggest hurdle?  Maintaining visibility and […]
  1. Worklife
Introduction Why is building trust in virtual teams necessary? Well, increased productivity, enhanced engagement, and better problem-solving are just a few of the benefits. Yet, managing remote teams feels like a constant struggle. Without face-to-face interaction, miscommunication and misunderstandings can easily happen, affecting trust and collaboration. If you are looking for ways to build trust […]
  1. Leadership
Introduction Being a leader is all about growth and continuous learning! But let’s face it- who has the time to sift through endless leadership books or attend lengthy seminars? That’s where leadership podcasts come in. Leadership podcasts are audio lessons from successful leaders and experts, offering tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you become a […]
  1. Leadership
Introduction Inclusion is not just a choice. It is a necessity for any organization that wants to thrive in today’s diverse world. According to a recent study, inclusive leaders see a 17% increase in team performance, a 20% increase in decision-making quality, and a 29% increase in team collaboration. Moreover, they cut down employee attrition […]
  1. Worklife
Introduction The traditional office is evolving. Hybrid work models, blending remote and in-person work, are gaining traction. While exciting, this shift presents unique challenges. Imagine leading a brainstorming session with a split team – some in the conference room, others joining virtually.  Or, picture struggling to stay focused with the couch and laundry mere steps […]
  1. Worklife
Introduction Did you know only 2 out of 10 employees are happy about how their work performance is managed? Well, it’s not just employees.  Even organizations are catching on that the old-school annual performance reviews don’t really cut it. They’re a headache for both managers and employees – time-consuming, frustrating, and yielding no actual results. […]
